How to Get Started with Fresh Water Ministries:

1. Start Your Own Small Group:

  • Gather a group of women together who want to learn from the Word of God.
  • Order the Study Guide that accompanies the study you have chosen from the conversation page. Each person may do the homework before the group meets. This enhances personal understanding and provides additional prep for the teaching time.
  • Read the Scriptures sometime during the week before meeting. Discussion is very fresh when it follows the teaching. Homework for people who have never studied the Bible can sometimes be intimidating. Just listening and discussing is also an excellent way to learn. The Scripture references can also be found on the Audio Files page along with the studies under Scripture References.
  • Exodus: Life of Moses: A stimulating study of the rescue and love relationships of God and His chosen people, the Israelites, as recorded by Moses in Exodus. Includes 24 lessons.
  • The Gospel of John: Walk with Christ as John, His beloved disciple, writes of the spiritual interactions and salvation of man. Includes 24 lessons.
Women of the Bible:

Women of the Bible is a series of eighteen teachings based on the
stories of many different Biblical women. This study, packaged in
three segments, can be used for shorter studies. The focus is to
look at God’s intentional inclusion of these women and their
circumstances, choices, and decisions. From these we have sought
His encouragement for us. It is the desire of Fresh Water Ministries
for the listener to be refreshed in the teaching and challenged by a
deeper understanding of God’s direction for our lives. A study guide that is useful with this series is “Twelve Extraordinary
Women” by John MacArthur, published in 2006 by Nelson Impact

  • Women of the Bible Set 1: What is God’s intentional inclusion of these women and their circumstances, choices and decisions in the Bible? Eve, Hagar, Sarah, Rachel & Leah, Miriam. 6 lessons
  • Women of the Bible Set 2: What is God’s intentional inclusion of these women and their circumstances, choices and decisions in the Bible? Deborah & Rahab, Ruth & Naomi, Micah & Abigail, Bathsheba & Esther, Dinah & Tamar, the Virtuous Women. 6 lessons.
  • Women of the Bible Set 3: What is God’s intentional inclusion of these women and their circumstances, choices and decisions in the Bible? Delilah, Elizabeth & Mary, Mary Magdalene, Lydia, The Bride of Christ, The Widows. 6 lessons.
  • Daniel: The exiled Daniel was used mightily by God to demonstrate God’s presence and power. Woven throughout is the truth about the future of the Jewish people and God’s sovereign control over nations. 13 lessons.
How do I invite someone to be in a small group?

The simplest way, of course, is to just ask or send an email with a devotional attached. You could ask a friend to listen to one and see if they would be interested in meeting regularly to listen and discuss the teaching. If asking someone to join you for Bible Study is intimidating, pray for boldness and see what the Lord brings of your invitation. Most women want to be connected and will be thankful for your invite.

Whom do I ask?

First question is: Who do I see regularly? Preschool moms? People you work with? Neighbors? Soccer or baseball moms? Ask them! Or ask those you would like to see more. Sometimes names just come to mind. Pray about this and invite them in the way you’d feel the most welcomed

How much time does a small group take?

The answer here can vary. Usually, if you are listening to the lecture together, the schedule would look something like this:
15 min: arrival, chatting, coffee and refreshments.
45 min. listen to teaching from either CDs or laptop
45 min. discussion
15 min. closing chat and prayer

What does the discussion time look like and what do we talk about?

The teachings are straight from the Bible, taught before other live groups. There are many applications from Scripture for our lives. Each group is unique and will quickly take on its own personality. Staying focused on the Scriptures is important and yet freedom to think through together is the wonderful part of discussion.

What if it is hard or awkward to pray aloud in a group?

For the first several sessions as leader, be prepared to open and close in prayer. Some people do not like to pray aloud or to be put on the spot, so praying sequentially around a circle can be uncomfortable. In time prayer will come more easily. When appropriate, ask for someone to open in prayer, give others time to pray aloud but not in any order, and ask for someone to close in prayer. If you have a group that is not comfortable with praying aloud, you could invite everyone to be still and pray in silence for the things that concern them or the group. The leader can then pray the “Amen.”

How do I lead a group?

The simplest way is to pray for those coming. Listen together with open Bibles and notebooks, pen and paper. Write down things that strike you as you listen or questions that you may have. The leader can simply lead off the discussion by asking “What did you think about the teaching today? What struck you in particular?” When answers come you can redirect the comments by asking “What did you think about what was just said?” Usually, this is a very natural conversation.

What if we have questions we cannot answer?

Be glad. If any of us could understand everything He is He wouldn’t be God. You may email your questions and we will make an effort to answer them, or direct you toward helpful resources. Don’t be afraid of questions. Write them down and pray over them, listen to each other and to God and revisit the questions from time to time to see how your thinking may have changed… Most importantly, don’t argue!

What if I’m studying alone?

You could purchase the CD sets for the car or CD player or simply download the podcast.
For more information on how others have studied alone, click on TESTIMONIES.

What do we do about children?

One way to start a group is to meet in your church. Ask to use the nursery and hire a sitter that everyone pays or meet when kids are in preschool. You can do this in your home too, putting the sitter and children in another room. You can put a basket together of things that are only played with by these children (new crayons, playdoh, etc). Pull it out when they come. If you meet from house to house take the basket with you. Keep it simple. If there are allergy issues with food, let the mom who voices the problem bring the first snacks and honor her needs.

If we get stuck, is there someone to help us?

Yes. Simply email and Kathy Russell or her ministry team will be honored to speak or correspond with you about your concern.

2. Join us in Person:

  • Study with Legacy Bible Study at Mt. Carmel Baptist Church, Chapel Hill NC on Fridays beginning in September of 2024. We engage in worship & teaching from 9:30-10:30 am & Small Groups from 10:30-11:30 am.

Register for Legacy Bible Study