
We love retreats and think that concentrated time set apart for fellowship and teaching is essential for our spiritual needs. Retreats don’t just give us rest; they energize us through the give and take of conversation and teaching. Unlike the studies we may attend weekly, sandwiched between daily responsibilities, retreats give us a more expanded stretch of time. We all benefit from the occasional unhurried day or weekend, set apart for listening, study, prayer and fellowship.

For retreats we generally charge a suggested donation of $300. In addition we ask the hosting group to house and feed the teacher as well as cover transportation costs.

If this fee is out of reach for smaller groups, we are happy to work within any constraints. Our chief aim is to serve and leave the rest to the Lord. If your steering group would like to hear some teachings, look under the Podcasts and Devotionals link. You can stream or download and listen cost-free.

For topics, available times, and conversations with Kathy Russell, please write to: