Fresh Water Ministries aims to deepen our relationship with Jesus Christ through a fresh look at Him in Scripture.

Fresh Water Ministries is an endeavor by many Christians who have benefited from strong Bible teaching and rich discussions. We want to share what we have experienced: an amazing fellowship through the chapter-by-chapter study of Scripture, and the joys of meaningful conversations, inspiring inquiry, and sincere prayers.

Our Ministry:

The Aim of Fresh Water is to draw people, especially those who are thirsting for Bible teaching or who have faith questions, into an in-depth study of books of the Bible. Fresh Water’s studies are not sermons–they are teachings that go sequentially through the biblical text. We read and discuss the passages and look for personal applications to our lives.

Who is our teacher?

Our main teacher is Kathy Russell. She loves teaching the Bible and has done so for most of her adult life. Her passion is to see others growing in truth and in their understanding of God’s great love for all of us.

What kind of teaching will we receive?

I often describe myself as a “casserole” teacher. I chop, chop, chop in preparation for the lecture but the casserole is not assembled until the lecture begins! In other words, scripture is living and active and it is applied when those who show up are thirsty and hungry.

What is the emphasis on Fresh Water?

The emphasis is on building communities of women who come together to hear the word of God read aloud. Most of the studies are sequential reading of a book of the Bible. We also have some topical studies where passages are read but not in sequential order. Before the Scriptures are read aloud, I pray for you to have the ears to hear and to apply what is being read. The Holy Spirit is invited to be there and He really comes.

What do you mean when you say “Communities of Women”?

Women used to gather around the clothesline to talk about the dirty things that needed washing in their lives. Today, we have nowhere to go to talk. Our lives are busy with work, children, and their activities. We are so over-organized even in our play. Freshwater establishes an environment where women can come together to discuss real Truth as it relates to their issues. This listening to each other, through the filter of Scriptural teaching, is one of the main things we emphasize in our studies.

How does the Bible Study work in relation to that?

The Lord Jesus welcomes us to listen and be a part of what He is doing.  We allow for sharing with one another in a group, straight after listening to a teaching.  This was the old rabbinic method for learning; Scripture and discussion.  It is in itself a good method for having our thoughts and intentions made clear. We also encourage using a Study Guide or a method called Listening Study, that accompanies the Scripture for the week.  This is a good way to look more deeply into what the Lord may be saying to us.  We encourage sharing observations, applications and our need for growth with one another.

What is the format of Fresh Water Study?

Fresh Water begins with teaching. You are encouraged to take notes.  After the teaching, during small groups you are strongly encouraged to participate in discussions that involve applying Scripture to our lives.  This listening and interacting is the backbone of our studies.

If you, and/or a group can’t meet with us, you can listen online, or to our podcast on Spotify (coming soon!).  We find there are fewer distractions with an audio recording when building fellowship groups.  You are not focused on my set, my hair, my wrinkles, etc., but on the Word that is being read.  Even better you are reading along with the Scriptures.  You can also look at the faces of those around you.  You can see their nods and meet their eyes on things that you need to think about.  We are so thirsty for Real conversation around Real Truth.  When we express ourselves after hearing the Bible read aloud, it is a rich and rewarding experience.  We need the power of the Holy Spirit expressed through Scripture and through the lives of other believers to strengthen our relationships with Jesus.

Our Beliefs:

We believe in:

The only true God, the almighty Creator of all things, existing eternally in three persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – full of love and glory.

Jesus Christ: fully human and fully divine; who lived as a perfect example, who assumed the judgment due all sinners by dying in our place, and who was bodily raised from the dead and ascended as Savior and Lord…

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